Streamline Route Optimization

Tablet with document on it

Route Optimization, Dispatch and Visibility

Screenshot of route comparison screen on a computer
Screenshot of visibility dashboard on a computer
First page of case study on a tablet

Learn how McLane analysts reduced miles, balanced fleet usage, and saved time and money.

All-In-One Fleet Routing & Dispatch

Daily Routing and Decision Support

Manage daily exceptions, varying order volumes, and capacity changes with route editing tools that provide robust decision support.

Dispatch and Visibility

Assign and dispatch planned routes, track vehicle locations and retrieve dynamic ETAs, view route progress and provide delivery status information to customers with live order tracking, or custom company-branded communications like email or SMS notifications.

Reporting and Analytics

Build and visualize configurable dashboards and KPIs, and obtain insight into transportation performance for continual route refinement to improve your bottom line and promote customer satisfaction.

Strategic Planning and Analyst Tools

Build cost-effective, customer-centric master routes, audit current transportation costs and model potential business changes with “what-if” scenarios. Capabilities include Territory Planning, Scheduling and Frequencing Optimization, Multi-stop Route Optimization and Fleet Sizing or Driver Bid Package creation.


Provide drivers with electronic route manifests, real-time changes, configurable stop workflows, signature and photo capture, and commercial vehicle navigation powered by CoPilot, all through ePOD.

Four trucks driving on the highway

Unlock Better Outcomes

Experience enhanced routing and delivery performance with Appian's comprehensive suite of easy-to-use tools. Regardless of the industry, Appian provides optimized routes that benefit your drivers and your customers, and provide measurable ROI for your company.

Planning time decreased by up to 90%
Up to 20% fewer miles and hours
Distribution costs decreased by as much as 15%
Up to 25% fewer vehicles

Optimize your operation, generate more business, and make better decisions

Increase Process Automation

Improve productivity and reduce reliance on tribal knowledge.

Improve Asset Utilization

Using your assets efficiently allows you to do more with less.

Become a More Reliable Supplier

Provide a superior customer service experience with increased on-time performance and the visibility your customers expect to have.

Cut Costs

Reduce transportation spend by eliminating unnecessary mileage and hours.

Improve Visibility

Keep everyone across the organization informed and track the KPIs that matter most so you know what areas need the most focus.

Digital Transformation in Transportation - Part 1: Getting Started with SaaS & Cloud

Modeling and Design Tools Built for Analysts

Whether you’re creating RFPs, submitting bids, or evaluating responses and transportation costs, you need analysis tools up to the task.

Optimize your operation, generate more business, and make better decisions with a configurable package of software tools designed to give analysts a clear picture of their business strategy, resources and profitability. Our analyst-focused tool allows you to do:

Route Planning
Territory Planning
Delivery Schedule Optimization
Resource Planning

Streamline your entire delivery operations workflow today!

Find out how Appian can save you money and improve your customer satisfaction.

Our transportation experts are on hand to customize a solution to fit your specific needs. Get started today!