
Safeguard your drivers and your brand

Trimble's Cabin Intelligent Monitor (CIM) device increases driver safety while providing a foundation for coaching and long-term strategic safety programs. 

Learn more about our Video Intelligence solutions. 

Supply Chain in.sights: Check Out a Q&A with Two of America’s Road Team Captains

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) estimates that driver fatigue may be an associated factor in 13 percent of accidents involving a commercial truck.

Closeup of truck driver's hands on steering wheel

Coaching Your Drivers Want

Any AI device can detect gestures in the cabin, but Trimble can recognize dangerous ones with better precision.

Protect your business and keep your drivers safe with Cabin Intelligent Monitor.

Discover How You Can Improve Your Company's Safety Program

Whether it's defensive driving or dangerous driving, deploying Cabin Intelligence Monitors can provide visual evidence to save time, money, and lives.

Contact our team today to learn more about the benefits of Video Intelligence paired with Cabin Intelligence Monitors.